“Love the Lord your God with all your mind…” (Jesus)

Here are some great podcasts we recommend to help you keep growing in your learning and thinking. Whilst we may not endorse everything said in every podcast, on the whole these seem to be good ways of engaging with the Bible, and with culture, in a Christ-like way.

The Speak Life Podcast

Hosted by Glen Scrivener: Seeing all of life with Jesus at the centre. Encouraging apologetics and evangelism to speak life to a needy world.

The Surprising Rebirth Of Belief In God

This long-form documentary podcast, presented by Justin Brierley, tells the story of why new atheism grew old and secular thinkers are considering Christianity again.

The Bible Project

An in-depth look at different parts of the Bible, understanding some of context of each book, and its relevance for today.  

A Mucky Business with Tim Farron

Christian MP Tim Farron unpacks the murky world of politics and encourages believers around the UK to engage prayerfully. Through interviews and personal reflection, Tim shares what life is like in Parliament, which issues Christians should care about and what you can do to make a difference.

Undeceptions with John Dickson

Undeceptions explores aspects of life, faith, history, culture, or ethics that is either much misunderstood or mostly forgotten. With the help of people who know what they’re talking about, we’ll be trying to ‘undeceive ourselves’ and let the truth ‘out’.

The Crossway Podcast

From the publishers Crossway, thoughtful interviews with authors about the Bible, theology, church history, and the Christian life.

Being Human (beinghumanlens.com)

From the Evangelical Alliance, this one dives behind cultural trends, headlines and everyday encounters to explore some of the biggest issues of our day as Jo and Peter help shape a new apologetic for the 21st Century. All the while exploring how we can ensure that it’s God’s story that ultimately defines being human today. 

Ask NT Wright Anything

NT (Tom) Wright, former Bishop of Durham and leading New Testament theologian answers your questions on all things Christian.


Ruth Jackson interviews leading apologists, theologians and evangelists in order to help Christians understand, defend and share their faith with confidence… unapologetically!


Ruth Jackson, uses interviews and debates to address issues of Christian apologetics.

Matters of Life And Death

John Wyatt and his son Tim discuss issues in healthcare, ethics, technology, science, and faith. John is a doctor and professor of ethics, while Tim is a religion and social affairs journalist. They talk about how Christians can better engage with a particular question of life, death or something in between.

The CS Lewis Podcast

Professor Alister McGrath explores the thoughts, theology and teaching of C.S. Lewis.


From St Mellitus College, theologians Graham Tomlin, Mike Lloyd and Jane Williams get together to discuss burning issues of God, theology and life. 


There’s more to life than the world we can see. Stories, guests and interviews that can re-enchant our vision of culture, science, politics and art. Hosted by Belle Tindall and Justin Brierley. Recorded for Seen & Unseen at Lambeth Palace.