Fun 4 Families

Fun 4 Families is our monthly event which we run for families who have children aged 0 – 11 years old. Each month, we host a fun morning for the whole family to come together for some fun, crafts, and games. During the session we serve refreshments which include some food along with cold and hot drinks.
Each month our Fun 4 Families has a theme which the crafts and activities are linked to.
When – The second Saturday each month from 10am till 11:30am (except in August)
Where – At our Peartree site
We ask for a donation of £1.50 per family of 2 adults and 2 children and then an additional 50p per adult or child attending,
We ask families to pre-book their places to attend Fun 4 Families for catering purposes and craft supplies. We release the tickets for Fun 4 Families one month before and the links to the booking can be found below under our upcoming dates.
Upcoming Dates
Here are our future dates. Click on the button to sign up to come.
To stay up to date with news from Fun 4 Families, why not check out our facebook page for the latest updates?
For further information, see our Fun4Families poster below or email the Fun 4 Families team or call the church office – 01707 335 161
Fun 4 Families Photo Gallery