Toddler Groups

Our toddler groups offer a caring, safe and welcoming environment where parents, grandparents and other carers can bring little children along to play with others.

During our toddler groups, we start with some free play with a range of toys followed by snack time and we end our sessions with a song and story time before saying goodbye with our bubbles.

For the adults, you can look forward to a hot drink during snack time and an opportunity to have some adult conversations.

Peartree Tots – 0 to 5 year olds

When: Thursday mornings 9:30am – 11am (term time only)

Where: At our Peartree site, 20 Tewin Road

We ask for those attending for a donation of £1.50 for an adult bringing up to two children and then an additional £1 for each additional children.

At Peartree Tots, we ask adults to pre-book places for every child attending the group. Each week, tickets are released on a Monday at 12:30pm for the Thursday session.

For any further information about the group, email the Peartree Tots Team.

If you are an attendee at Peartree Tots please complete the registration form.

Peartree Tots
Thursday 9th January – March 27th March
(Except for Thursday 20th February due to half term)

Our Facebook page is used regularly to update families about our toddler groups (and other events), including links to our Ticket Source Page to be able to book places for Peartree Tots.

Parkway Crawlers is currently on pause – we will update you when we reopen.

Parkway Crawlers – 0 – 3 year olds

When: Tuesday mornings 10am – 11:30am (term time only)

Where: At our Parkway site, 110 Parkway

We ask for those attending for a donation of £1.50 for an adult bringing up to two children and then an additional £1 for each additional children.

For any further information about the group, contact the Parkway Crawlers Team.

If you are an attendee at Parkway Crawlers please complete the registration form.

A few of our favourite moments from our toddler groups