Youth Work at Christchurch
23rd March 2022

Why hello there!
We are Christchurch Baptist WGC Youth. A group of dynamic, creative, life-loving young people. We love nothing more than getting together, eating, playing games, studying Jesus and having fun!
You would be so welcome!

What’s happening

Christchurch offers a range of youth work, welcoming all young people from school year 7 up to the age of 18.

All young people attending our groups need to have a completed consent form by an adult with parental responsibility.

We aim to provide young people with the opportunity to explore God for themselves, as well as having lots of food, going on trips, filling our sessions with fun activities and offering a safe space to come and hang out with friends, and meet new people.

If you’ve got any questions about the programmes we offer, please contact Esther our Youth Ministry Leader on:

Weekly Programme

Sunday Mornings

A discipleship group for those in school years 7-10 @ our Parkway site
A discipleship group for those in school years 7-10 @ our Peartree site

Sunday Evenings

Sunday evening youth for those in school years 10-13. We run a series of courses throughout the year looking at faith, big questions and life topics. Sunday evenings 6-8pm @ our Peartree site


THE MIX is our Friday Night youth club @ our Peartree site. THE MIX is for all young people in years 7-9 and runs from 7:30pm-9pm. We also offer THE MIX Dinner from 7pm-7:30pm where we eat a home cooked meal together at no extra cost!! At THE MIX we like to spend time eating, playing games, going on trips, dancing, running themed nights and having a lot of fun! Subs for club are 50p per young person

During the week

During the week, some of the team are available for some mentoring sessions.

Follow us on Social Media to keep up to date and find out more!

Here’s some of the things we have been up to…


I love youth because no matter what circumstance, you will always come away knowing how much others love and appreciate you. I love the bonds and friendships we all share and I know I can rely on youth to cheer me up!

Young Person – Age 17

Youth has offered me a chance to make new friends and learn more about myself. I have been able to ask questions about the Christian faith and enjoy coming every week.

Young Person – Age 14

I like going to youth because it’s fun and you get to do cool stuff

Young Person – Age 10

Youth at Christchurch has been a huge part of shaping who I am. No matter how I am feeling, I know I can go to youth and be myself and I won’t be judged. It has also helped me to become a Christian

Young Person – Age 16

Youth is actually sick. We go on good trips and eat a lot of pizza. We also talk about deep stuff

Young Person – Age 12

Most Recent Services
28th March 2020

Most Recent Services

    15th March 2020

    9th March 2020

    28th February 2020

    28th February 2020

    How to find us


    If you would like to donate to Christchurch, you can do this
    online, via the offering box in one of our services or via a standing order.

    More details >