THE ALPHA COURSE- Starting January 2025

A 10 week course involving eating puddings, meeting others, and learning about the Christian faith in an informal and fun way

“Alpha gave me the space to ask the questions I had, and meet some great people”

“It was so good to have somewhere where I could learn more in an informal setting”

“I liked having time to discuss important issues in a relaxed way”

Alpha is a great way of exploring the Christian faith, and in January we’re starting a new course . Each week will involve having pudding and coffee/tea together, watching a video, and then having a time of discussion, where different thoughts, ideas, questions, and opinions can be raised.. The course will be run at our Parkway site from 7-9.30pm.

You’ll get to meet all kinds of different people on Alpha, as well as have the chance to explore some of life’s big questions in a safe, fun, and informal space.

To show your interest in signing up to Alpha, email

If you have any questions, you can email or you can ring us in the church office 01707 335161