Big welcome to you!

Christchurch is a lively, growing church with something for everyone! We love welcoming guests, especially on Sunday mornings, and are passionate about helping people take steps in their spiritual journey.

We’re a Christ-centred community where people can serve Christ, grow to be like him and reach out to others with his transforming love. We hope you enjoy exploring more on this website!


Vacancy – We’re looking for a Minister to join the team. For full details of the role and process please click here.

Our regular pattern for Sunday morning services: 9.30am at Parkway, 10.30am at Peartree, or online at 10.30am! There are groups for children & young people at both sites.

Click here to join the live stream or join via our YouTube channel where it’s also possible to catch up on recent services.

Parkway – 110 Parkway AL8 6HN

Peartree – 20 Tewin Road, AL7 1BW

Come and find out for yourself or make contact with us

We are an accessible, welcoming church where most Sunday morning services at our Peartree site provide some access through British Sign Language (BSL).

The main signer has a level 6 BSL qualification. If you wish to join us and access our service through BSL please email the office to ensure this will be available on your visit:


Vacancy – We’re looking for a Minister to join the Christchurch team. For full details of the role and process:

Deadline for applications is 28th February.

We're really enjoying our series on The Beatitudes - here's a great quote from William Barclay on 'Blessed are those who mourn'. See you this Sunday!

We love welcoming people from the deaf community, and try our best to be welcoming and accessible. Here's a little video from Jay, who's part of the church...

This Sunday evening - Led by the youth, but welcome to all.

Sistersoul teaching day

Saturday 16th November 10.30am - 4pm at Peartree with Beki Nicholls Lead Pastor, Elim Luton. If you haven't already got your name on the list please sign up below. £10 to be paid in advance